
Note: The following documents are offered in a PDF file format below. Adobe Reader is necessary to view and print PDF files. Please note the file size before downloading and opening the files.
BOMBING: LIBERATOR OVER YAP - A U.S. Army 13th Air Force Consolidated B-24 Liberator is shown withdrawing from Yap Island after the formation bombed the strip, equipment, fuel dump and personnel areas during the first daylight raid on the Japanese strongh
The following document is the Individual Aircraft Record Card for B-24J-170, AAF Serial Number 44-40598. This is the plane that was lost with the Coleman Crew, Yap Island, 25 June 1944.
PAT NOTE: The 25 June 1944 mission with a joint stike between 2 squadrons of B-24's from the 5th Bomb Group and 2 squadrons of B-24's from the 307th Bomb Group to target the Yap Island Airfields. As you will read, the mission report statements about the Coleman shoot down are very different between the bomb groups.
Yap Drawing of Crash site from the from the Individual Deceased Personal File for Sgt John R. McCullough
307th Bomb Group, 372nd Squadron document dated 19 April 1944 authorizing crew members to wear the Aviation Badge "Aerial Gunner". Coleman crew members in document include Robert Wagoner, James Lykens, Jr., Romeo Tetreault, NBill Williams, James Hurd, and John R. McCullough (on the last page).
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Excerpt from "The Long Rangers-A Diary of The 307th Bombardment Group(H) by Sam S. Britt, Jr.
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Consolidated Mission Report No. 307-292
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Historical Data-372nd Bombardment Squadrom (H)
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POST article titled, "MISSION OVER YAP-After the fortieth daily raid, the Japs wished the 13th Air Force would forget about Yap. Here is raid No. 41. Dated 6 January 1945
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Yap Crash Site Map
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Navigation chart from the US Government of Yap including water depths in meters
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I located a picture of a B-24 from the 307th Bomb Group, 372nd Bomb Squadron named THE WICKED WENCH (42-40863). My uncle's crew, the Coleman Crew, flew THE WICKED WENCH on a number of missions from April to June 1944. However, they were flying a brand new B-24, #598, the day they were shot down on June 25, 1944 over Yap Island. I met the widow of the navigator, Martin B. Unger, back in 2005. She was the first person to tell me that she thought the name of the Coleman B-24 was THE WICKED WENCH. The crews often flew different planes on missions but had preferred planes with the squadron inventory. I can only assume THE WICKED WENCH was the preferred plane of the Coleman Crew. Click thumbnail to view large image
 The Wicked Wench back of photo
 The Wicked Wench
Courtesy of the Air Force Historical Research Agency, Maxwell AFB AL
Date: |
Download Mission Report (pdf file) |
Notes: |
March-June 1944 |
307th Bomb Group, 373nd Bomb Squadron Combat Flying time for John E., Jr. Jurica - March to June 1944
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PAT NOTE: The following Individual Flight Record (combat missions) from March to June 1944 was supplied by Paul Jurica (Nephew of co-Pilot John Jurica). The combat missions within this document likely related to the entire Coleman crew, however, I have not been able to locate mission reports listing the Coleman crew outside of the files listed below. |
23 April 1944 |
Mission Report No. 307-247. Attack on Dublon Islands from stagging area of Ocean Field, Green Islands.
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Coleman crew flying AC #863 |
27 April 1944 |
Mission Report No. 307-233. Attack on Dublon Islands from stagging area of Ocean Field, Green Islands.
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Coleman crew flying AC #863 |
17 May 1944 |
Mission Report No. 307-261. Attack on AA positions on Biak Island
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Coleman crew flying AC #372 turned back fifteen minutes after take off because of a failure in the aircraft's electrical system. |
01 June 1944 |
Mission Report No. 307-275. Attack on enemy aircraft and repair facilities on Eten Island in the Truk Island group.
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Coleman crew clying AC #863 turned back due to an oxygen leak making it impossible to reach bombing altitude. |
07 June 1944 |
Mission Report No. 307-275. Attack on enemy installations in the Truk Islands.
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Coleman crew one of three planes that dropped their bombs on their navigator's ETA on Truk. No land was sighted and the location of their hits cannot be determined. 16 planes turned back due to weather. |
14 June 1944 |
Mission Report No. 307-233. Attack on Dublon Island & Truk Island
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The Coleman crew shoots down two Hamp fighters. T/Sgt. Hurd and S/Sgt. Williams each credited for a Hamp fighter. |
25 June 1944 |
Mission Report No. 307-292. Attack on Yap Island
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Individual Aircraft Record Card for B-24J-170, AAF Serial Number 44-40598. Plane lost with the Coleman Crew, Yap Island, 25 June 1944
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Aircraft #598 piloted by Lt. Coleman, was attacked by enemy aircraft about a minute and a half after bombs away. Direct hits were scored by the enemy interceptors on #2 and #3 engines. The cockpit and bombardiers compartment were seen with flames coming out of the windows which had been shot out. The plane made a perfect loop, then fell off to the right in a spin and crashed in the water 2 miles South of the runway. They were strafed all the way down and also after hitting the water. No parachutes were seen and it is believed that all members of the crew are dead. |
Please visit the ArmyAirForces.com research page for help locating WWII records including Missing Air Crew Reports (MACR), Mission Reports, and Individual Deceased Personnel Files. Records are maintained at a handful of facilities around the country. Research Help
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