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Interview & Search with Louis Ruamoon, October 2005, Yap Island

Our guides from the Manta Ray Hotel, Theo & Richard, and Tilus Alphonso from the ESA Bay View Hotel put us in contact with Louis Ruamoon who helped us located what we know now to be the F4U Corsair Crash Site (at the time we thought the engine and other parts might have been from a B-24). Louis led us to a large engine in the jungle near his village. We returned on our last day of the search trip and he led us to additional wreckage located within 800 yards of the engine. The additional parts included large and small pieces of the fuselage and a radio. Louis advised the egine and wreckage has been in the jungle hear his village since the war ended. As a group we were able to turn the engine over to recover engine serial numbers and other date.

Please see pictures of the crash site including the pieces we used to identify the plane as a Corsair.

Pictures from our interview with Louis Ruamoon on Yap:

Click on the thumbnail images below to view the full-sized image.

Left to right (standing) Richard (from the Manta Ray Hotel), Louis Ruamoon, Louis Ruamoon, Cherie Ranfranz, and Patrick Ranfranz (lower)

Louis Ruamoon showing us the engine in the jungle hear his village.

Additional pieces of wreckage from the Corsair Crash Site.

Locating the radio among small pieces of wreckage from the crash site.

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