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Missing Air Crew Project, Yap Island Search Trip, July 2010
The following link provides a short summary of our Missing Air Crew Project 2010 Yap trip. It’s not comprehensive but should give everyone the highlights of the major events. We had originally planned to post daily updates during the trip, however, a combination of poor internet access and exhaustion prevented daily posts. The trip to Yap was exciting this year due to the fact that our twenty-one year old daughter asked to come with us for the first time. In the past she always said she would never go anywhere close to a place with sharks. We were excited to take Genna to Yap to see all the work we have done over the years and to introduce her to all of our friends on Yap. Over the upcoming weeks I will post groups of pictures from our trip. Please keep watching the links below as I had new information. For obvious reasons I can’t post all the information on my web site. Please continue to watch this page for updates as we review the wreckage with experts to identify each of the new crash sites we located. Please feel free to send comments and questions to:
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This site is owned & developed by Patrick Ranfranz of Cameron, Wisconsin, USA Email: | 1473 21 1/2 Street, Cameron, WI 54822 Copyright Notice: All images and text on this website are protected by U.S. and International Copyright Law. Help support this site, order your materials through this link. |