
Pat & Cherie Ranfranz look down at the beautiful tropical flowers they tossed into the crystal blue waters of Yap in which the Coleman Crew lie.
October 26, 2005. more
The Missing Air Crew Project and web site has been founded, developed and financially supported by Pat and Cherie Ranfranz from Cameron, Wisconsin. The Missing Air Crew Project is dedicated to the mission of locating the unaccounted for men and planes who were lost near Yap Island during WWII.
MissingAirCrew.com Mission Statement: Pat & Cherie Ranfranz are committed to locating and documenting the crash site of the Coleman B-24 and other American planes on or near Yap Island. Pat has spent over 20 years researching the 25 June 1944 shoot down and loss of his uncle, T/Sgt John R. McCullough, and the other nine members of the Coleman B-24. The original goal of locating the Coleman B-24 has been expanded to locating and documenting all the American crash sites on or near Yap Island. The MissingAirCrew.com project is committed to documenting the history of the men and their missions through documents, pictures, and oral history before the information is lost in time. The most important goal of the project is to help provide closure to the families of the missing men who lost their lives in service of their country during WWII. Close to 100 men were lost near Yap Island and remain listed as missing in action.
Any help will be greatly appreciated! Email Patrick Ranfranz at: pat@missingaircrew.com
Do you have underwater search equipment or expertise to donate to the MissingAirCrew.com project? The largest obstacle at this time is the cost associated with the equipment necessary to scan the ocean floor to locate and document the Coleman Crew crash site. Let us know if you can help with search equipment and resources such as:
- Side scanning sonar
- ROV (submersible)
- Underwater cameras
- Underwater metal detectors
Email: pat@missingaircrew.com
Some of the most helpful information is the donation by site visitors of photographs, documents, and the recollections of events related to the planes and men who were lost near Yap Island. Submit information you have to: pat@missingaircrew.com
Financial donations keep the MissingAirCrew.com project moving forward to fund new research and offset the thousands of dollars Pat & Cherie Ranfranz have spent and will be spending to search for the men and planes lost over and near Yap Island. Sponsorships and donations of any size are welcome and appreciated. Make checks payable to: Patrick Ranfranz/MissingAirCrew.com.
For your convenience you may send your contribution electronically by using the secure Paypal link below. Paypal accepts major credit cards. Login to your PayPal account and donate to email@ranfranz.com or click on the images or links below to donate with PayPal.
Please contact Pat if you have frequent flyer mileage to donated to help offset the cost of our search trips to Yap Island. pat@missingaircrew.com
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Web Site Terms of Use: This web site authorizes you to view materials solely for your personal, non-commercial use. You may not sell or modify the material or reproduce, display, distribute, or otherwise use the material in any way for any public or commercial purpose without the written permission of the web site owner. pat@missingaircrew.com
