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The Coleman Crew Index | 2nd Lt. Gerald D. Coleman—Pilot
2nd Lt. Gerald D. Coleman—Pilot Click to Enlarge
2nd Lt. Gerald D. Coleman was the pilot on my uncles plane when it was shoot down on 25 June 1944. Lt. Coleman was married to Katherine Bayless and the father of an 18 month old daughter, Gerry Coleman at the time of the crash. Lt. Coleman worked for the soil conservation service at Ft. Worth, Texas prior to being called into the service by the national guard as a sergeant. A researcher with the McCurtain Co. Genealogy Society talked to a friend who went to school with Lt. Coleman and he said Gerald was a very smart person.
Name |
Position |
Rank |
Serial Number |
Last Known Address |
Contact Listed |
Gerald D. Coleman |
Pilot |
2nd Lt |
0-806220 |
Mrs. Kathrine B. Coleman
Box 654 Idabel, Oklahoma |
Wife |
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Coleman Family Pictures, Letters and Documents |
Gerald D. Coleman Picture's |
McCurtain Co. Genealogical Society Information about Gerald D. Coleman |
Information from Ancestry.com |
A letter from the brother of Lt. Gerald Coleman dated February 28, 1997 was located |
Information Listed on NARA |
McCurtain Gazette (Idabel, OK) Article—Marriage of Gerald Coleman & Katherine Bayless. Wednesday, 19 March 1941 |
McCurtain Gazette (Idabel, OK) Article—Writeup about Gerald Coleman being killed.
Saturday, 08 July 1944 |
McCurtain Gazette (Idabel, OK) Article—Obituary on Gerry Coleman (Gerald Coleman daughter)
Wednesday, 04 September 1968 |
McCurtain Gazette (Idabel, OK) Article—Writeup about the death of Katherine Bayless Coleman Sawyer (Gerald Coleman wife)
Monday, 02 October 1978 |
McCurtain Gazette (Idabel, OK) Article—Katherine Bayless Coleman Sawyer Death is Ruled Natural (Gerald Coleman wife)
Tuesday, 03 October 1978 |
McCurtain Gazette (Idabel, OK) Article—Obituary on Katherine Bayless Coleman Sawyer Death is Ruled Natural (Gerald Coleman wife)
Tuesday, 03 October 1978 |
Please submit information about 2nd Lt. Gerald D. Coleman.
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Information from Ancestry.com: |
Gerald Dwight Coleman Information:
- Gerald Dwight Coleman
Born: 1917, Wichita Falls, Wichita, TX, USA
Died: 24 Jun 1944
Spouse: Katherine Unknown
Children: Gerry Lynn Coleman, Female, born 1942, died 1968
- James H. Coleman Sr. (Gerald's Father) born at Coleman Hill, Texas July 18, 1887. Yes he was an automobile salesman until the depression hit. Then he worked odd jobs until he bought and ran a store in Hugo, OK. He was working there when WWII was waged.
Died 29 March 1966
- Rose May Dwight ((erald's Mother) was born August 8, 1888 in Grapevine, Texas. She died on February 12, 1930 in Wichita Falls - the day before Jack Coleman's 9th birthday. Gerald would have only been 14 when she died.
- Married 10 May 1912 in Gertrude, [county], TX, USA
1930 US Census from Wichita Falls, TX
March 2008 Update: Charlotte Babcock provided updated to the geneology information below that was incorrect.
- Father, James H Coleman-Automobile Salesman
- James H. Coleman Jr. born November 21, 1914
- Gerald Dwight Coleman born March 24, 1916 (He was born with a broken left arm. He weighed nearly 12 lbs.)
- Lucille Coleman born in Wichita Falls, TX November 2, 1917
- Jack Coleman born in Wichita Falls, TX February 13, 1921
- Walter Parks Coleman-Son, Born 23 December 1925, in Breckenridge, [county], TX,
- Lewis William Coleman born in Wichita Falls, TX August 22, 1929
Download 1930 US Census Information about the Coleman Family
(pdf file 772 KB)
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Gerald D. Coleman Picture's: |
2nd Lt Gerald D. Coleman
2nd Lt Gerald D. Coleman
2nd Lt Gerald D. Coleman
2nd Lt Gerald D. Coleman
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A letter from the brother of Lt. Gerald Coleman dated February 28, 1997 was located: |
A letter from the brother of Lt. Gerald Coleman dated February 28, 1997 was located
Jack L. Coleman sent a letter to the 307th BG seeking information about his older brother who he knew was lost of Yap Island on June 25, 1944. Jack was with the 1st Marine Division and was getting ready to make an assault on the Island of Peleliu in the Palau Islands when Gerald was lost.
Jack stated that the last letter he received from Gerald stated that he had just got a new airplane for him and his crew, a new B-24 without any paint on it, and that he could get 8 to 10 knots more speed out of it.
Jack had just gotten to Guadalcanal to visit Gerald and found that he had left some days earlier for the Admiralty Islands. Jack did not have time to go to the Admiralty Islands to visit Gerald.
Gerald was five years older than Jack. Jack was 76 when he sent the letter and was seeking to correspond with anyone who knew his brother.
I understand the Jack is still alive but is not able to communicate well. I wish I could have found Jacks letter years ago.
Here are copies of Jack's letters:
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McCurtain Co. Genealogical Society Information: |
Surviving Family Listed in the McCurtain Gazette Saturday Newspaper, 08 July 1944:
- Father: J.H. Coleman of Hugo, OK
- Wife: Katherine Bayless Coleman of Idabel, OK
- Daughter: Gerry Lynn Coleman of Idabel,OK
- Brothers: James & Lewis Coleman of Hugo, OK
- Pvt. Jack Coleman with the Marines in the south Pacific
- Pvt. Walter Coleman of Las Vegas, Nev.
- Sister: Mrs. Doyle Lawson of Hugo, OK
Gerald Coleman's daughter, Gerry Lynn Coleman, died on 02 September 1968 and is buried in the Denison Cemetery in Idabel, OK. She was born 10 January 1943 in Idabel, McCurtain Co.,OK
Gerald's wife remarried a man by the name of Samuel Sawyer, Jr. and had one child a son, Johnny Sawyer.
Source: Wanda from the McCurtain Co. Genealogical Society.
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Gerald D. Coleman:—NARA Information: |
Information Listed on NARA (National Archives and Records Administration) http://www.archives.gov/aad/):
- Texas
- Born 1916
- Enlisted 10 May 1942 in Dallas, Texas
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McCurtain Gazette (Idabel, OK) Marriage Article: |
Marriage of Gerald Coleman & Katherine Bayless. Wednesday, 19 March 1941
Source: Articles were located by Wanda with the McCurtain Co. Genealogical Society. The articles are from the McCurtain Gazette in Idabel, OK.
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McCurtain Gazette (Idabel, OK) Shoot Down Article: |
Writeup about Gerald Coleman being killed. Saturday, 08 July 1944
Source: Articles were located by Wanda with the McCurtain Co. Genealogical Society. The articles are from the McCurtain Gazette in Idabel, OK.
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McCurtain Gazette (Idabel, OK) Daughter Article: |
Obituary on Gerry Coleman (Gerald Coleman daughter) Wednesday, 04 September 1968
Source: Articles were located by Wanda with the McCurtain Co. Genealogical Society. The articles are from the McCurtain Gazette in Idabel, OK.
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McCurtain Gazette (Idabel, OK) Wife Articles: |
Writeup about the death of Katherine Bayless Coleman Sawyer (Gerald Coleman wife) Monday, 02 October 1978
Katherine Bayless Coleman Sawyer Death is Ruled Natural (Gerald Coleman wife) Tuesday, 03 October 1978
Obituary on Katherine Bayless Coleman Sawyer Death is Ruled Natural (Gerald Coleman wife) Tuesday, 03 October 1978
Source: Articles were located by Wanda with the McCurtain Co. Genealogical Society. The articles are from the McCurtain Gazette in Idabel, OK.
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